Strike Questions & Answers
Question 1: If I am working, what do I do?
Report to the north curb of level 1 of Terminal 4 for your picket duty. If a tentative agreement is met, your Contract Committee person will notify you.
Question 2: What will be our strike benefit?
The strike benefit will be $300 for the first week with 2 extra $100 gift cards for Thanksgiving Day. The second week and all subsequent weeks will be for $400 if you picket 5 days a week for a total of 25 hours.
Question 3: How long will the strike last?
We must be prepared to strike for as long as it takes to win affordable health benefits, a pension, and keep our strong union.
Question 4: Will we be fired if we go on strike?
It is illegal under federal labor law for the company to retaliate against you for participating in a strike, picket line, or other union activity.
Question 5: How do we survive on strike pay?
We are all in this together! We are making history, not just for Phoenix, but also for the nation. We are fighting for ourselves, our families, and for future generations. We will have member support committees that deal with:
- Food donations
- Communication with creditors (mortgage bank, landlords, electric company, etc.)
- Other problem solving, case work
- We will have a Police Relations Committee to deal with coordinating picket activity with Aviation.
Question 6: How will we know about the progress of the strike?
We will have regular informational written updates on the picket line and our website. Picket Captains will give regular updates.
Question 7: How many days do I picket? How many hours a day do I picket?
Each striker will pick a five-hour shift, five days a week with two days off per week.
Question 8: Does going on strike affect my work permit or green card?
Question 9: Can we win?
We will win by demonstrating to these Wall Street-controlled companies that we have the guts to fight for our union, our families, and our future. We will win by demonstrating our fight throughout the nation, to travel agents, convention planners, tour groups, financial analysts, bondholders, stockholders, politicians, and clergy.