Employer-Paid Pension
In many Local 11 contracts, your union pension is another significant benefit that members have won that costs you nothing because it is paid entirely by your employer.
The Pension’s primary purpose is to provide you with a steady source of income when you retire. In this plan, the employer is obligated to contribute an hourly amount toward each employee’s account. Vested retired union members then receive a monthly check, in addition to Social Security and any other retirement savings or investment. The monthly pension is based on the size of the contribution and the number of years worked by the employee.
Pension plans vary by employer and/or region. Contact your union representative for more details.
UNITE HERE National Retirement Fund (for former Santa Monica Fund participants)
6 Blackstone Valley Place, Suite 302
Lincoln, RI 02865
(401) 334-4155
(401) 334-5133 FAX
pensioninfo [at] amalgamatedlife [dot] com
National Plus Plan
6 Blackstone Valley Place, Suite 302
Lincoln, RI 02865
(401) 334-4155
(401) 334-5133 FAX
Los Angeles Hotel–Restaurant Employer Union Retirement Fund
1200 Wilshire Blvd., 5th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017